Subject Code and Title :- MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts
Assessment : Case Study Assignment
Individual/Group : Individual
Length : 2500 Words
Weighting : 40%
MGT608 Business Law And International Contexts Case Study Assignment – Laureate International University AU.

Learning Outcomes :
This assessment addresses the following Subject Learning Outcomes
a) Critically analyse what law is and the role law plays in doing business internationally
b) Critically evaluate the applicability of a significant range of laws and explain their impact on those carrying out professional and managerial duties
c) Critically evaluate the multiplicity of laws and the conflicts they may present when doing business internationally
d) Construct and justify recommendations to management on specific legal implications of doing business
Context :
Australian businesses may wish to expand their operations and enter new markets in other countries. Making contracts is fundamental to business practice and this assessment allows students to reflect on the types of contracts a business may enter and to consider what the law relating to contracts is in the country they seek to do business.
This assessment builds on Assessment one (1) where research was conducted on the legal system of a chosen country.
Instructions :
Assume that you are the director of an Australian company that does business in a number of over seas countries. Your company has decided that there is an opportunity to do business in the country that you researched in Assessment 1
MGT608 Business Law And International Contexts Case Study Assignment – Laureate International University AU.

Your task is to prepare a written document appropriately referenced, that address the following
1.State the nature of business your company is involved in. Be as creative as possible. For example, you may decide that you are a manufacturer who wishes to export goods to the chosen country. Alternatively, your company may provide services which can be offered in the chosen country or your company may wish to import goods and/services from the chosen country.
2.Explain in as much details as possible the business opportunity that has arisen for the company.
Making contracts is fundamental to business practice. Your company will need to make contracts in the scenario country. Please ensure you
1. Identify the types of contracts that your business would need to enter in order to do business successfully in the scenario country. Explain why these contracts are necessary.
2. Identify and explain the sources of contract law in the chosen country.
3. Identify and explain the legal requirements for the creation of a valid contract in the chosen country.
4. Explain the remedies for breach of contract in chosen country.
5. Discuss whether it would be necessary to appoint an agent in the chosen country and an explanation for your decision.
6. Identify whether Australia has a Free Trade Agreement with chosen country and explain the implications of this.
7. Identify any specific regulations that apply in the chosen country based on the nature of your company’s business.
Suggested format :
Whilst the format may vary for your report, below is suggested format for you to follow :
a. Cover page
b.Executive Summary
o A concise summary of the main report in bullet points
d. Main Discussion
f.Appendices where applicable
Criteria for Assessment
Your assessment will be graded according to the criteria set out in the Assessment Rubric below. Please read this carefully.
MGT608 Business Law And International Contexts Case Study Assignment – Laureate International University AU.

Submission Instructions :
Submit this assessment via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades. Your Learning Facilitator will also provide feedback at the end of your class presentation.