Assignment involves the application of key practical skills you have learned in LAWS503. You are required to view a sample interview and then answer questions that will assist you to apply skills that you have learned to date. The interview can be accessed below.
LAWS503 Migration Law Assignment-Australia

The purpose of this assessment is to assist students to contextualise their learning and test key practical skills. Students are not required to provide legal advice or analyse and solve a client scenario in this assessment. However, students are asked to use critical thinking and reasoning to demonstrate their understanding of some crucial skills for future practice as a Migration Agent.
This task assesses the following learning outcomes:
1.Locate, navigate and interpret Migration legislation
2.Research formulate and implement appropriate strategies for providing effective advice to clients
Assessment -in this subject builds on the communication and other practical skills we have been learning in our weekly modules, including client interviewing research and citation.
LAWS503 Migration Law Assignment-Australia

This assessment is intended to measure your understanding of interviewing techniques and to engage in research. You are not required to conduct an interview for this assessment, instead you must watch the sample interview video provided on the Assessment page.
Your Assignment 2 task comprises two parts:
After watching the sample interview provided on the Assessment page, provide a critique of the performance of the migration agent. In particular:
1. Did the agent meet their professional obligations towards the client?
2. Did the agent build rapport with the client in the early stages of the interview?
3. Did the agent conduct the interview in a professional manner appropriate to the needs of the client?
4. Did the agent use an appropriate interviewing technique?
5. What would you have done differently?
6.Your answer to this Part can be written in the first person and is not required to follow any specific format.
You are a first year migration agent working at the busy migration firm IA Australia. Your supervisor has conducted an urgent interview with a client this morning (you may assume the date is Monday, 7 September 2020). He tells you that he must leave the office to attend a matter in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and as such he does not have time to conduct follow up record keeping for this new client. As the client’s matter is time-critical he has tasked you with reviewing the recorded interview and preparing a file note.
LAWS503 Migration Law Assignment-Australia

Watch the sample interview video provided on the Assessment page and then prepare a file note that:
a. records the key details provided by the client in the interview
b. highlights any issues raised in the interview that relate only to the client’s legal status in Australia
c. summarises and correctly cites the relevant section/s of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) that establish and define the concepts of “lawful non-citizen” and unlawful non-citizen
d. identifies any follow up information and/or documentation that your supervisor will need to ask the client to provide (NB these should focus only to the client’s current legal status in Australia and do not need to relate to a potential future visa application)
As he is running out the door your supervisor mentions to you that he knows of a case from the High Court of Australia which provided a useful summary of the difference between a lawful non-citizen and unlawful non-citizen. He thought it may therefore be relevant to this client. He tells you that the case involves a visa applicant known as Plaintiff M150 who was appealing against a decision of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. The judgement was handed down in 2014. He asks you to find the case using your legal research skills, and to provide the correct citation as part of your file note. You have not been asked to provide any analysis of the judgement itself.
LAWS503 Migration Law Assignment-Australia

In preparing your file note you should ensure it is in an appropriate format for a file note.
You are not required to provide any advice to the client, nor to address any visa considerations as part of this file note.