Subject Code & Title :- LAW5ENV Environmental Law
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Late submission policy :
Students should note that this must be submitted by the due time. Penalties of 5% of the marks for this assessment will be applied for each day or part of a day that the assignment is late. Assignments that are more than 5 days late will not be accepted
LAW5ENV Environmental Law Assignment – Australia

Word limit :-
Your answer to all parts of the assessment question should total to a maximum of 2000 words.There is a 20% leeway. However, answers that exceed 2400 words will incur a penalty of 5% of the total available marks (i.e. 2 marks) for every 100 words or part there of in excess of 2400 words. You must include a word count at the beginning of your answer. All discussion of the answer to the problem should be incorporated in the text of the answer and not in the footnotes.
You should use footnotes for referencing. Provided that no substantive text appears in the foot notes these do not count in the word limit. How ever if you put substantive text in the foot notes then the footnotes will be counted in the word limit.
Your citations should follow the fourth edition of the Australian Guide to Legal Citation
You should provide a full citation for any case or other material you refer to the first time you cite it. How ever you may provide an abbreviated citation for subsequent references to the same source. All quotes must be within double quote marks. (Other methods of identifying quotes are not recognised by Turnitin. Their use will result in your answer being flagged as problematic. See below regarding use of Turnitin). The source of quotes must be clearly acknowledged and referenced.
Sources :-
This is not a research exercise. You should be able to answer the question relying only on the material covered in the Reading Guide and seminars related to topics 2-7 and your critical thinking facilities.You must acknowledge all sources.There is no need to provide a bibliography.
Assessment criteria
The Legal memorandum or Advice will be assessed according to:
a) how well the answers address the questions; and
b) how well expressed and comprehensible the answers are and
c) whether and how well the answers identify the relevant legal issues and
d) whether the answers provide relevant legal principles supported by the appropriate legal authority and
e) whether and how well the answers apply the relevant legal principles to the facts and
f) whether a logical and correct conclusion is arrived at after applying the relevant legal principles to the facts; and
g) the clarity and logical development of the reasoning and ideas provided in the answers and
h) whether the answers comply with the instructions as to form.
An answer to the Legal Memorandum or Advice is likely to be unsatisfactory (that is it will receive less than 50%) if:
a) it merely states general principles of law and does not apply them to the facts; or
b) it presents apparent conclusions to the problem without giving any reasons or
c) in a question requiring multiple issues to be addressed it does not address an adequate range of issues or
d) it is not on the whole comprehensible; or
e) it does not do what the question asks.
An answer to the Legal Memorandum or Advice will NOT be satisfactory if it is not entirely the student’s own work.
Please note that your electronic Legal Memorandum or Advice will be assessed by Turnitin for the purpose of generating an originality report for use in assessment.
LAW5ENV Environmental Law Assignment – Australia
Joint work and academic misconduct
JOINT WORK is prohibited. You are not permitted to do any of the following things each of which constitutes academic misconduct. You must not:
• discuss the assessment question with any person (other than the subject coordinator – see information below);
• collaborate with anyone else in preparing an answer to the assessment;
• view another person’s written notes about the assessment or their preliminary or final versions of an answer to the assessment;
• permit another student to view any written notes you have made about the assessment or your preliminary or final versions of an answer to the assessment;
• make written notes of what anyone else says to you about the assessment during the assessment period or
• permit another student to make written notes of what you say about the assessment during the assessment period.
You should keep copies of your notes and drafts in case the subject coordinator wants to interview you about the process by which you prepared your answer.
PLAGIARISM is the unacknowledged presentation of the words or thoughts of others with the intention of passing them off as your own. It is a breach of University Regulations and will be treated as such. Any student found plagiarising in work submitted for assessment will be reported to University officials.
If you have any questions about plagiarism, raise the matter with the subject coordinator prior to submitting your work.
LAW5ENV Environmental Law Assignment – Australia

Questions regarding assessment
Any questions relating to the assessment should be directed to the subject co-ordinator Julia Dehm by email If you believe there are any ambiguities or errors in the assessment question that need to be clarified before it can be answered you should contact the subject co-ordinator by email. Only questions about perceived errors or ambiguities in the question or instructions will be answered. If any significant ambiguities or errors in the assessment question or instructions are identified during the assessment period the subject coordinator will announce a correction or clarification by posting a notice on LMS.
Please note that I work Monday – Thursday and therefore will not b