On completion of this LAW00059 Welfare Law Assignment students should be able to :
1.demonstrate a personal understanding of Australia’s welfare system and
2.reflect on the ramifications of the Federal Government’s spending initiatives and priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic
LAW00059 Welfare Law Assignment-Southern Cross University Australia.

Assessment rationale:
The aim of this essay is to develop your skills of reflection and in this instance it requires you to reflect on your experiences with Australia’s welfare system. Deliberate reflection is a key ingredient for a successful professional and personal identity. It involves intentionally and systematically thinking about your experiences with the goal of making reflective practice a professional and personal habit. Habits such as these can help you maintain healthy work relation ships develop capabilities prized by employers and help preserve self care. Reflective skills enable you to examine and deepen your understanding of the many and subtle layers of your life. There are no right or wrong answers in this assessment but it does require you to think deeply on life lived in a pandemic.
Cautionary note:
If this is not the best time or space for deep reflection and you feel it might lead to more destructive rumination or negative feelings rather than considered reflection then I urge you to select Assessment 1 Option 1. Self-care needs to be a priority.
LAW00059 Welfare Law Assignment-Southern Cross University Australia.

Reflective Essay:
The COVID-19 pandemic has had profound effects on the way people work study and live. This LAW00059 Welfare Law Assignment requires you to reflect on your place in Australia’s welfare system. It also requires you to evaluate your learning in this Unit by applying theory to your experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and by drawing on the literature to aid your reflections.
In short, what insights can you provide about how you experienced life during the COVID-19 pandemic and what insights do you have about Australia’s welfare system given the Federal Government’s spending initiatives and priorities during this time?
Reflection guidance:
For additional assistance with this assessment, here are some possible questions to guide your reflections:
- Can you identify any cognitive biases in your thinking?
- What do you think are the physical, psychosocial or environmental factors that affected you during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- What do you think are the impacts of the Federal Government’s spending initiatives and priorities?
- What insights did you gain during the COVID-19 pandemic for how things might be done differently in a welfare system?
- Would you design the Federal Government’s spending initiatives and priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic differently? For what reason/s?
- Were (are) you aware of making different choices in your life during the COVID-19 pandemic? If so, what were they? Reflecting on these choices, what could you say about them?
- Did you adjust your communication style towards others during the COVID-19 pandemic? If so, what changes did you make and how do you think they were received?
- Has your process of thinking about the COVID-19 pandemic and the Federal Government’s approach to the pandemic been altered by reflecting on it? If so, how?

LAW00059 Welfare Law Assignment-Southern Cross University Australia.
Useful material for critiquing your experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic includes:
The Study Guide, particularly Topic 1 and associated my Readings
Websites for:
o Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)
o The Australian Greens
o The Australian Labor Party
o Business Council of Australia
o The Grattan Institute
o The Australia Institute
o The Conversation
o Institute of Public Affairs
o Government websites such as Services Australia Treasury and the Australian Taxation Office
LAW00059 Welfare Law Assignment-Southern Cross University Australia.